Entries by Floman99

How to remove mold from wood

The best way to remove mold from wood does not involve chemicals of any kind.The only way to effectively remove mold from wood is to physically remove the contaminated area. That is done with good old fashioned elbow grease. What I mean by elbow grease is simple… sand paper, a wire brush or completely remove the […]

Musty smell in my house – Do I have mold?

Unfortunately for the DIY’er, mold loves to hide. Under carpets, linoleum, hardwood and behind drywall to name a few places. If you have a musty smell in your house then you have a pretty good indication that mold is present. To find out for sure though means damaging walls and floors. When mold is present, […]

Dangerous mold types

Although mold spores are present in our every day lives and we live harmoniously with them, some can cause serious health problems. These dangerous molds produce Mycotoxins which are produced to fight off other molds. There are over 200 recognized Mycotoxins which are harmful to humans and pets when inhaled, ingested or brought into contact […]

Mold cleaning tips

When it comes to cleaning mold, there is a lot that you should know, how to approach the mold, what to wear, what tools to use and so much more. Hopefully these tips help you in your fight against fungi. For serious mold contamination, please contact a certified mold specialist. Your health is more important […]

DIY Mold Removal – Why You Shouldn’t

DIY mold removal. Several times we have seen products and advertisements for quick in-home solutions that the every day man (or woman) can use to kill mold. DO NOT KILL MOLD YOURSELF. Especially if you are prone to health problems. Mold is a tricky substance to remove and even when it is “dead” it is […]

Mold Allergy Symptoms

What causes mold allergies? Before we get into details about mold allergy symptoms, first we want to talk about what causes the reactions that we feel. Molds produce mycotoxins that are created to fight off other molds. There are over 200 recognized mycotoxins that molds produce, each of which are harmful when ingested (eaten), inhaled […]